Get Involved

Grow as a person

Local organisations run training sessions on a diverse range of subjects including project management, presenting and personality skills, managing finances and risk management. Trainers and keynote speakers are brought in from the local area and abroad, as well as offering members to experience to deliver training sessions in there are of expertise.

JCI also offers a fantastic debating and public speaking network. JCI Edinburgh are renowned for the Charlotte Square Club, their bi-monthly public speaking and debating training. Opportunities are also available to compete internationally at the JCI European and World public speaking and debating championships.

As a JCI member, you will have access to a whole host of opportunities to help you develop both personally and professionally.

As an organisation run by the members for the members, people are encouraged and supported to step into leadership roles on local or national boards, as well as leading on projects and events. With the JCI ‘year to lead’ motto there is fair access to opportunities and everyone has the chance to grow and develop in the ways they choose.

Expand Your Circle

JCI is a great way to meet new people and create a local, national and international network.

On a local level, organisations hold many events that attract young professionals from all over their city base all looking to improve themselves and their community. As JCI is not sector specific, often participants of JCI cross paths with people they would never meet otherwise.

JCI is also known for a good social! Whether it’s at a conference, a range of fun weekend activities or even just after work drinks on a Friday night, JCI encourages everyone to have fun and build lasting friendships.

Be Part of Something

Another big part of the JCI experience is getting involved in projects. These can be events or based on community needs. By getting involved in these projects in different capacities, you develop expertise that you may not have the opportunity to in your day job.

The JCI has an Active Citizen Framework is a methodology for running sustainable, needs-based projects that create measurable results in communities. The process start with assessing local needs, engaging partners to share resources and strengths, conducting action-oriented projects and finally monitoring and evaluating results to ensure tangible, effective positive impact.

What this means, is that local members try to make a positive change in their local area on topics and issues that are important to them. Sometimes partnerships are created with local charities to find specific ways that they can be supported.

Experience More

As a JCI member, a whole network of international opportunities will be at your fingertips.

Conferences and events are held annually all over the world allow members to connect with other JCI members. With national, regional, continental and world events happening all the time, and often exclusively to members, there is always somewhere new to visit.

Conference organisers always create a great schedule that balances personal development opportunities, networking and experiencing the local culture. Recent international events have been held in Quebec, Amsterdam, New York, Galway, Basil, and Punta Canta.

Corporate partnerships

JCI Scotland (and chambers across Scotland) are always looking for like-minded organisations who share the same goals as us or simply wish to provide new and exciting opportunities for their own teams/affiliates to get involved and access the opportunities JCI Scotland provides.

By partnering with us, we can help you do the following:

· Provide opportunities for your own members or employees and receive all the benefits that come with JCI membership

· Raise awareness across our channels

· Run joint projects (either locally or nationally)

· Provide sponsorship opportunities

· Collaborate to promote joint initiatives and campaigns